Theoretically, If you have big lips, you can become an instant commercial success. Let us examine this argument carefully:
Big Lips+Talent=Rock Star. Talent gives Mick Jagger prestige among pop musicians, because it is quite rare among them today. As far as I know the stones wrote their own material which makes me nostalgic for yesterday's music and respectful for their ongoing popularity. Notice the subject matter the stones chose for their logo, there has got to be a connection. Goldilocks here was the hardest to draw, she's not easy to exaggerate since she's quite symmetrical...and...dare I say? Prettyful. Of course big lips can't be entirely the explanation for Scralet's success, she's very popular now, but it took her quite a few years in the business to get there. I've never seen any movie with Scarlet Johanson, but I've heard she's alright, and so I can put that in my critique.
Steve Worth has posted a Journal from our visit to the Vincis' including the first images from a series of beautiful previously unseen artwork-- Check it out! Thanks again to the Vinci family, Steve and John.
Got back to Canada from LA this Saturday, I volunteered at the ASIFA-Hollywood archive. It was so much fun to help Steve out, listen to his great stories, see amazing rare artwork, and to hang out with genuinely great people. I learned a lot and also drew a lot:
practice drawings
Sketches from a story about a gal's first gig as a babysitter, What could possibly go wrong?
Two of my favorite actors caricatured
Mike Fontanelli said this looked like Robert Mitchum merged with the bizzaro superman
Hanging out with John and Kali was fun, I havn't seen John since I was 15. John's got a great sense of humor, Folks at Sheridan are mighty proud of him, but I won't talk for too long, this picture speaks for itself: