Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Flustering anatomical study

I sometimes find it helpful to draw anatomical studies of my own characters: how they would look if they had a real skeleton. I only do these for humanoid characters that aren't overly stylized.

On a blog dedicated to drawing, it makes sense to want to show drawing ability. But I don't have a fully clear conscience about this. Even though it's my own fictional character, I have mixed feeling about this rate of exposure (x-ray-ted). Here's how she would react if she saw this:

Some of the reaction shot process:

Rough drawn rather fast with the side of the pencil

Committing to interesting shapes, I think cartoons are most interesting to look at when there is asymmetry and slight 'cheating' of perspective. Funny shapes first.


Mitchel Kennedy said...

Great bones!!

Amir Avni said...

Thanks guys!

Pedro- It really means a lot to me that you can "feel what she feels", I think that's the goal of acting (and I'm a big advocate that it can be done with funny drawings).

David de Rooij said...


Amir Avni said...

Thanks, David!

Unknown said...

I like that she's using floppy discs.

Amir Avni said...

Thanks Scott! Thought I'd throw in some nostalgia